Trends analysis in the investigations realised from the data of the PISA project
OCDE, PISA database, educational systems, empirical research, educational researchAbstract
This study is part of a broader research that aims to design a model of analysis of educational systems assessment, based in social cohesion (Jornet, 2012). The starting point is located in previous research about the context variables; it is cared more frequently a theoretical justification and metric quality of output variables, leaving aside the variables that can help interpret the results. In our case, we conducted a review of the scientific literature, based in empirical papers that use PISA database and published between 2000 and 2012. The methodology is structured in two phases: identification and selection of documents and further analysis of these documents. The analysis of documents consists of identifying certain indicators in order to explore. Some results suggest that researchers in the field of education underuse PISA databases.
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