Student self-assessment: what have we learned and what are the challenges?.


  • Maddalena Taras University of Sunderland



Assessment, self-assessment


This paper examines major issues that have been a perennial concern for researchers into student self-assessment within the Anglophone world. These include, whether students should grade their own work and if they do grade, if accuracy of grading is important, and if self-assessment empowers. By presenting these issues within their historical background, the discussion provides the contexts and beliefs which motivated the developments, Data demonstrating the little take-up of self-assessment is counter to the research into theory and practice which highlights its centrality to supporting learning for students and enabling coherent aligned curricula for tutors.  By examining definitions it is possible to unpick beliefs about the process and qualities of student self-assessment and ask the question – are our processes fit for the 21st century? Finally, by presenting understandings of topologies and categories of student self-assessment processes both in the K-12 sector and in higher education, it is possible to proffer the choices made available by research to enable integration of student self-assessment into our own classrooms.



Taras, Maddalena ( Senior Lecturer. PhD Assessment: theorising practice or practising theory?, MA Applied Linguistics, Certificate in Education. Address: Faculty of Education and Society. University of Sunderland. Forster Building. Chester Road. Sunderland SR1 3SD.


Alverno College

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