Ethics policy

The journal's management reminds authors that the content of their manuscripts must be original and unpublished, not previously published in any medium nor being in the process of being evaluated in another journal. Only partially previously published material will be accepted (including Doctoral Theses, Final Papers and Master's Papers that can be consulted in repositories), if the cause of such duplication is stated and the exact place where the text appeared is given.

The authors of the work must be those who have contributed to its conception, realization, and development, as well as data collection, interpretation of results, writing and review. All of them should include in the authorship data requested during the submission of a manuscript by the Open Journal System platform, their ORCID personal identification number. Those who do not have it can register for free at to complete this information.

The contents, opinions, as well as the management and the cost of the reproduction rights of the graphic documentation are exclusively the responsibility of the authors, so the magazine does not assume any responsibility.

Before proposing the publication of a work, we invite you to consult carefully the ''Rules for acceptance of originals and editing process'', available on this website.

People who make a delivery to TERRA. Revista de Desarrollo Local, declare that the text sent for evaluation complies with each one of the next items:

1. Declaration of originality, uniqueness of the work and responsibility

1.1. This work is original and unedited, has not been and will not be sent to another journal for publication unless it is rejected.

1.2. None of the data presented in this paper has been plagiarized, invented, manipulated or distorted. The original data are clearly different from those already published. 

1.3. The original sources on which the information contained in the manuscript is based are identified and cited.

1.4. The article adequately quotes the origin of previously published figures, tables, data, photographs, maps, etc, and the necessary permissions are provided for its reproduction, if necessary, in any medium.

1.5. The authors assume sole responsibility for the contents and opinions expressed, despite the previous evaluation process of the text, as well as the possible additional cost caused by the reproduction rights. The Management Team of the journal may delete the article in its electronic version if a serious error or omission affecting third parties, organizations or institutions is detected or verified in the article.