Del guió a la pantalla: trets de l'oral col·loquial en la ficció televisiva
DOI: clau:
Orality, Colloquial Language, Television Series, Dubbing
This article analyzes some typical elements of spontaneous colloquial oral discourse in a corpus formed by two episodes of own production –one of «Plats Bruts» and one of Jet Lag– and two dubbed episodes –an episode of «Normal, Ohio» and one
of «Coupling». After a brief summary of the characteristics of language in television series, the first part of the study focuses on identifying morphological, syntactic and lexical aspects characteristic of spontaneous colloquial discourse in the broadcasted version of these episodes, following the features identified by Payrató (1996). In the second part, the differences between the written script given to the actors and the broadcasted
version are analysed, and it is assessed if the improvisations have increased the spontaneity of these planned texts. The article concludes with some reflections about the differences and resemblances of the model of language of the own production and
the foreign production.
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