«A vós qui sou la bella i alta rima» (The participants in ‘Resposta’ de Miquel Ortigues)
Miquel Ortigues, questions and answers, poetry, Ausiàs Crespí de Valldaura, Joan Ram EscrivàAbstract
In the context of the doctoral thesis on the Valencian notary Miquel Ortigues we studied the attributed work as well as questions of biographical and contextual aspects. In this article, we focus on the importance of the appearance of an unpublished composition found in his notarial protocols and a review of the figure’s magnitude by the literary relationships that are explicit in his verses. The article represents a new approach to Miquel Ortigues that considers empirical data collected in the archives. In a collateral way it also means the irruption of two other poets, Ausiàs Crespí de Valldaura and Joan Ram Escrivà in the poetic panorama of the Valencian questions and answers by the end of the 15th century, which we also analyse. The study of Miquel Ortigues and the poets participating in the Resposta is important to gauge what we can obtain by going in depth in the archival research and by the discovery of literary figures that helps to understand how the poetic literary circuit of Valencia was in the late 15th century and their influence on new literary fashions.
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