The pragmatics of the plural definite article in Italian: a case study
Articles, Writing, Pragmatics, Valency Grammar, Metalinguistic awareness
The category of determination (or indetermination) is typical of all languages. In Italian, this category is grammaticalized in the forms of articles. Articles — the relationship between definite and indefinite — have always been one of the features of Italian grammar that Russian-speaking students find challenging. This is in part because of the frequency of exceptions to the stated rules and in part because of a terminology which, instead of simplifying, complicates the situation. The analysis of essays written by Russian students of Italian showed that approximately one third of their mistakes concerns the failure to recognize the need to use the indefinite article in the plural (ho passato le/delle vacanze bellissime - I enjoyed my holidays). The discussion of these mistakes made clear that students cannot feel the difference from a pragmatic (and implicational) point of view in the usage of the two articles. In light of this, Valency Grammar can be a valid tool to shorten the gap existing between theoretical knowledge and practical competence.
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