The evolution of Pompeu Fabra’s linguistic model (1891-1933)
Pompeu Fabra, grammaticography, barcelonocentrism, polymorphism, compositionalityAbstract
During the opposition period («etapa de contestació») (Murgades 2018), Pompeu Fabra defended a linguistic model based on Eastern Catalan, specifically on barcelonian dialect, which was considered higher for demographic and linguistic reasons (Lamuela & Murgades 1984; Ginebra & Solà 2007). However, during the institutionalization period («etapa d’institucionalització») (Murgades 2018), Fabra evolved into a polymorphic and compositional model in which takes into account other dialects (Lamuela & Murgades 1984; Ginebra & Solà 2007).
This paper analyses the evolution of Pompeu Fabra’s linguistic model since 1891, with the Ensayo, to 1933, with the Gramàtica catalana in its 7th edition. We assume that in the first period Fabra’s linguistic model was mainly barcelonocèntric, but it gradually changed towards a more compositional and polymorphic model in the last period. As a consequence, the evolution is visible not only by abandoning barcelonian linguistic forms, but also by increasing references to other dialects, always supported by the classical language.
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