Sobre la «composición» de La Celestina y su anónimo «auctor»
Celestina, auctor, friend, finished, composed, humanistic comedy, adaptation
On the first part we analyze some dialogues that are contradictory to the general thread of the Celestina and seem to be a reflection of a previous humanistic comedy. The second part is dedicated to the study of two different terms used in the 1514 edition of Valencia: «Auctor» referred to the person who wrote the letter «to a certain friend», and «Autor» referred to the person who composed the acrostic verses with his names («El Bachiller Fernando de Rojas...») and the three new closing stances that appear for the first time in the editions of the Tragicomedia, and that constitute a written and published testimony of the fact that Rojas was not the «auctor» of the Comedia de Calisto y Melibea, since after the Dictionary of Autoridades, the voices «auctor» and «autor» were not synonyms, but to a certain extent even opposed extremes in an editorial relation: he who ceded his texts and he who published them.
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