Old and viva voce: Celestina by herself
Perspectivism, Old Age, Virtues, Vices, Vulnerability
In his article «Hacia una lectura feminista en La Celestina», Alan Deyermond questions as follows: «[...] habrá que preguntarse si la representación de la hechicería/brujería de Celestina [...] por Fernando de Rojas y su predecesor anónimo se de-be explicar en términos de la represión misógina». In my opinion, the answer is no. The work that I propose is to show that the configuration of Celestina tends mainly to the characterization of a fictional bawd, rather than being conceived from a misogynistic perspective. From this response, I analyze the ways in which Celestina is named in the paratexts and other characters; thus I intend to identify the fictional portrait of the bawd who build the authors of salmantino text. I also note how the perspectival nature of the dialogue Celestina allows, in turn, to be able to conceive herself in fiction as she wishes, and thus create her own portrait beyond the eyes of others.
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