An envious groom? A faithful servant?: Towards a new characterisation of Parmeno in La Celestina
Parmeno, Age, Celestina, Areusa, Corruption, ServantAbstract
Parmeno has been studied by many scholars as the representation of a faithful servant who is eventually corrupted by Celestina. This image of the Parmeno is based on a specific characterization of the servant as young, inexperienced, and uneducated, who aspires to ideals and values that are not proper to his condition, and consequently destined to be corrupted by the old bawd. Yet, these readings tend to take the words of Celestina and other characters as definitive, ignoring the information that Parmeno himself gives about his life. In this article, instead of approaching the character from what other characters say about him, we take the information given by Parmeno himself and his actions through the text to propose a new reading of the servant that can give us a more complete and accurate image of the character. Image that departs significatively from what the scholarship has shown until now.
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