The Fifth Column as an Educational Concept of the War of Spain and the Dictatorship (1936-1975)


  • Carlos Píriz Universidad de Salamanca



Spanish Civil War, conceptual genealogy, Fifth Column, didactics


In line with the current historiographical debates, this article contributes to questioning the suitability of the name “Spanish Civil War” to the conflict that developed in Spain from the summer of 1936 onwards. In the same way, it aims to rethink its classics chronological limits. All this is carried out through the conceptual genealogical study of the Fifth Column, a phenomenon that arose in that contest that, however, has had a significant transcendence both in space and time. Thus, the resulting reflections are presented in two sections: in the first, in which the complexity of the term to be treated is exposed, addressing its different meanings and evolution; and, in the second, in which the empirical arguments that contribute to these questions are shown, emphasizing the “irregular” factor of the war and highlighting its didactic value.


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How to Cite

Píriz, C. (2021). The Fifth Column as an Educational Concept of the War of Spain and the Dictatorship (1936-1975). Con-Ciencia Social, (4), 41–58.
  • Abstract
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