Archeology of Social Sciences teaching. Condition of possibility for a critical didactics in the 21st century
critical didactics, social sciences, educational practice, disciplinary code
In the following lines we address a personal reflection on the historicity of educational practice and its possibilities for change in the 21st century, based on the contributions that make up the suggestive research work entitled Reinterpreting tradition, transforming practices. This collective work delves into the school tradition and its various forms of cultural representation in order to understand the resistance offered by the canonical teaching of the social sciences against any proposal for pedagogical renovation. The researchers propose to exhume the mechanisms of construction of the disciplinary code that conditions the ways of conceiving, teaching and learning the CCSS. For this purpose, the existence of educational mediators is proposed as an analytical tool. These mediators cross the different levels of curricular concreteness and construct the students' subjectivities. Within this framework, the authors focus educational innovation on the improvement of teacher training; with the intention that future teachers will be able to unmask and challenge the neutrality of the educational culture and the "common sense" imposed by a hegemonic discourse that legitimizes the interests of the established power and prevents the articulation of emancipatory collective alternatives.
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