The "Schools with Memory" program from the Government of Navarre
Schools with Memory”, Institute of Memory of Navarre, critical didactics, memory and education, historical empathy, cooperative school networks
The plan “Schools with memory”, inspired by the Institute of Memory of Navarre (Government of Navarre), deals with the challenge of projecting a critical eye to our traumatic past, where the memory becomes an essential educational tool to its approach, and above all, a key piece in the interjection and reflection about the present and the future. Since the scientifical and pedagogical renovation, refuting the traditional professional codes, the plan expects to favour the start-up of centre educative projects, interdisciplinary ones, where the student body can elaborate their own narratives about the controversial and difficult past. Centre educative projects about the critical memory which discuss and face with each other, projects that go through the walls and imbue the cultural network, assisting the strengthening of a democratic citizenry. Projects that go hatching a whole network of Schools with Memory deployed around the territory working in a collaborative way.
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