About the Journal

Focus and Scope

Creativity and Educational Innovation Review (CEIR) is a scientific journal, edited by the Institut Universitari de Creativitat i Innovacions Educativas de la Universitat de València.
The Institut Universitari of Creativitat i Innovacions Educatives aims to promote the production, research and diffusion activity in creativity and educational innovation.
The journal CEIR has the will to disseminate research and scientific reflection in the field of creativity and educational innovations among interested people in Spain, Europe and Latin America.
It will publish monographic studies, articles and bibliographic reviews.

Peer Review Process

Creativity and Educational Innovation Review (CEIR) will publish one volume a year. Each volume is composed of numbers of indeterminate periodicity. Has an annual periodicity.
The texts received for publication by the Creativity and Educational Innovation Review (CEIR) will be submitted to the following arbitration system:1. First, the texts will be reviewed by the Editorial Board, which will decide on the relevance of the article with respect to the research areas of the journal and on whether or not to continue with the evaluation process. All authors whose articles have been rejected by the Editorial Board shall be notified in writing of the reasons for such decision.2. Secondly, the texts will be reviewed by external evaluators of the journal, chosen for their recognized prestige in the area of ​​study of the article. According to the blind peer evaluation system, each article will be evaluated anonymously by two expert evaluators in the area of ​​assignment of the article. If necessary, a third reading would be carried out by another external evaluator. This evaluation will take into account the originality and scientific quality of the proposal, its contribution to the field of studies in which it is registered, its use of appropriate methodological tools, its coherence and clarity of exposition and its interest for the development of Creativity and Educational Innovation.
As a result of the evaluation, texts may be accepted, accepted with the condition that the author makes non-substantial changes in the text or rejected.
All authors whose texts have been rejected by the Scientific Committee shall be notified in writing of the reasons for the decision. In the same way, acceptances will be notified to those who will be part of the publication with your article.

Open Access Policy

This journal provides immediate free access to its content under the principle of making available free research to the public, which encourages greater exchange of global knowledge.


LATINDEX (Sistema Regional de Información en Línea para Revistas Científicas de América Latina, el Caribe, España y Portugal)

DIALNET (Hemeroteca de Artículos Científicos Hispanos en Internet)

MIAR (Matriz de Información para el Análisis de Revistas)



GOOGLE SCHOLAR (Buscador de Google especializado en documentos académicos)

HISPANA (Directorio Nacional de Recursos Digitales)

DOAJ (Directory of Open Acces Journals)

Journal History

La revista Creativity and Educational Innovation Review ha sido fundada por el Instituto Universitario de Creatividad e Innovaciones Educativas de la Universidad de Valencia en el año 2017.

La revista Creativity and Educational Innovation Review ha estat fundada per l'Institut Universitari de Creativitat i Innovacions Educatives de la Universitat de València en l'any 2017.

The Creativity and Educational Innovation Review was founded by the University Institute of Creativity and Educational Innovations of the University of Valencia in 2017.