Transferencia y divulgación del conocimiento científico desde el área de la metodología de investigación. Reseña de la Jornada Emociónate con los datos

Premio de la Asociación Española de Metodología de las Ciencias del Comportamiento




The teaching and research working group formed by Professor Dolores Frías-Navarro (University of Valencia), director of the research structure “REsearch MEthods and design in applied psychology (REME)” of the University of Valencia and responsible for the conference”, Professor Marcos Pascual-Soler (ESIC University), coordinator of the presentations and program, and PhD student Irene Gómez-Frías (University of Valencia), director of the design, editing and revision of the graphic and audiovisual material, received the AEMCCO award from the "Spanish Association of Methodology of Behavioral Sciences" ( for the “Emociónate con los datos” conferences (1st Conference in 2023 and 2nd Conference in 2024) that have been held at the University of Valencia. Specifically, the conference is called “Conference on emotions, design, data analysis and scientific realities (Emociónate con los datos)”. This award recognises and gives value to the work of scientific transfer and dissemination that the team carries out within the area of Methodology of Social, Behavioural and Health Sciences. The award was presented during the XVIII Congress of Methodology of Social and Health Sciences (AEMCCO: Seville, September 2024). The conference is supported by the Equality Unit of the University of Valencia and by the Department of Methodology of Behavioural Sciences of the Faculty of Psychology and Speech Therapy of the University of Valencia.


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Author Biographies

Dolores Frías-Navarro, Universitat de València

Catedrática en la Facultat de Psicologia

Marcos Pascual-Soler, ESIC University (Madrid) / ESIC Business & Marketing School (Valencia)

Profesor en la ESIC University en Madrid y la ESIC Business & Market School en Valencia

Irene Gómez-Frías, Universitat de València

Doctoranda en la Facultat de Geografia i Història




How to Cite

Frías-Navarro, D., Pascual-Soler, M., & Gómez-Frías, I. (2024). Transferencia y divulgación del conocimiento científico desde el área de la metodología de investigación. Reseña de la Jornada Emociónate con los datos: Premio de la Asociación Española de Metodología de las Ciencias del Comportamiento. Creativity and Educational Innovation, (8), 319–322.
  • Abstract
  • PDF (Español)
