Artistic education, social disregard and lack of expectations. Consequences of reproduction as a non-educational paradigm
Artistic Education, stereotype, expectations towards art, teacher training and initial evaluation
This article seeks to reveal the real foundation underlying the social disregard of Artistic Education that, as lecturers in the Pedagogy of Artistic Expression at Malaga University, we see year after year among our students. Based on the analysis of conceptions and experiences that shape mental schema and, therefore, their own expectations towards art, the aim is to generate a real context of emancipation within this sphere.
This research examines the stereotyped conceptions and decontextualized practices that sustain and perpetuate the social vision of Artistic Education. Furthermore, by means of an initial evaluation, it looks at the starting notions and mental schema held by trainee teachers associated with the subject.
Data were gathered by means of an initial questionnaire administered over three academic years as part of the subject Education in the Plastic and Visual Arts taught on the Primary Education Teaching Degree at Malaga University, which gauges the expectations and educational baggage that students bring to the subject. Subsequent analysis uncovers decisive results regarding which processes sustain and perpetuate the social disregard in which Artistic Education is held.
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