The body as a didactic dispositive in the initial teacher training in visual art for secondary education
body, visual arts, art theory, teachers training
This article is based on a pedagogical experience implemented within a visual arts teacher training program, whose future work context will be the secondary education levels in the Chilean school context. Its main objective is to theoretically reflect about the body and its pedagogical possibilities. Since the implementation of a program of visual art teaching and learning that includes the body as a didactic dispositive. Under a methodology of a Learning-Expressive Project were defined three theoretical practical workshops about the body within a visual art teachers training program in Chile. After every workshop it was described the reflection of corporal practice with the theoretical scope of the body politics, the embodiment of professional identity and embodied cognition. As a conclusion, it allows us to reflect on the transition from a disciplinary teaching of the visual arts towards its interdisciplinary integration, intertwining the field of the humanities with embodied human cognition. Finally, three interdisciplinary workshops are suggested that intertwine literature, theater and cinema, based on body language and expression for visual arts teachers initial training programs.
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