LGBTQIAP + audiovisual projections: art and activism in the external environment




Design, Art, Activism, LGBTQIAP , Audiovisual Projection, Urban space


This article seeks to reflect on the audiovisual projects in activist art that address the theme LGBTQIAP + carried out in the urban space, highlighting the greater attention to the work of artists and their expressions in the pandemic period of 2020. Doubts, fears, apathy, fear, empathy, revolts , solidarity, affirmations, denial, lies and truths, are some of the feelings that provoked reactions in the Brazilian population, from the most diverse social spheres. To this end, the text begins with a bibliographic review of some specific topics around the design of the project, which includes the analysis of virtual publications that document the interventions performed in the city. An articulation on the part of some social and political groups is perceived in strengthening the political conscience, in the search of the strengthening of the gender identity and of the rights that political leaders insist in subtracting or diminishing. Finally, he considers that the intervention provoked by the images projected on the architectures strengthens the political conscience that is rightly considered pure activism.


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Author Biographies

Daniel Jesus de Souza Prazeres, Universidade Anhembi Morumbi - UAM

Máster en Diseño en Universidade Anhembi Morumbi. Especializaciones en Project Management y Diseño de Interiores, licenciado en Arquitectura y Urbanismo. Profesor del programa de posgrado en Diseño de Interiores y responsable del Estudio que lleva su nombre.

Suzete Venturelli, Universidade Anhembi Morumbi - UAM

Profesor y artista, diseñador informático en Universidade Anhembi Morumbi (PPGDesign) y Universidade de Brasília (PPGAV). Investigador del CNPq. Coordina MediaLab / UAM. Participa en congresos y exposiciones nacionales e internacionales


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Machado, J. A. S. (2007). Ativismo em rede e conexões identitárias: Novas perspectivas para os movimentos sociais. Sociologias,18, 248-285.

Mesquita, A.(2008). Insurgências Poéticas : Arte Ativista e Ação Coletiva (1999-2000). Dissertação (Mestrado em História Social) – Faculdade de Filosofia, Letras e Ciências Humanas, universidade de São Paulo.

Sevcenko, N. (2001). A corrida para o século XXI. No loop da montanha-russa. São Paulo: Cia das Letras..

Trindade, R. (2011). O Mito da Multidão: Uma Breve Histórida da Parada Gay de São Paulo. Revista Gênero, Niterói, 11(2), 73-97.




How to Cite

Prazeres, D. J. de S., & Venturelli, S. (2021). LGBTQIAP + audiovisual projections: art and activism in the external environment. Educación artística: Revista De investigación, (12), 326–335.
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