Hybridizations between education and culture. The case of the IntersECCions Visual Arts Program
education, culture, creativity, imagination, visual arts
Within the context of global and radical change in the current school, the article presents a case study in which an innovative experience merges the cultural and educational labor. This is the case of the Visual Arts Program within IntersECCions, a project sponsored by the City Council of El Prat de Llobregat (Barcelona). The notions used to explore the experience are: creativity as a collective (Latour, 2008) and emancipatory action that allows reformulating educational programs (Graham, 2020); and the concept of imagination that connects strange and distant entities (Garcés, 2020). Focusing on a case study, it is employed an ethnographic approach and semi-structured interviews with the agents involved in the program. The article analyzes and questions the views that cross, the training trajectories that occur, and the actions that become where the arts enter pedagogy in a transdisciplinary way. The study reveals the challenge of finding imaginative spaces in which educational and cultural institutions become entangled in collective and transformative actions, creating new entities (Barad, 2007; Latour, 2008) that challenge inequalities and promote liberation.
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Referencias Webs:
Manifiesto del programa IntersECCions, Educació, Cultura i Comunitat.
https://www.elprat.cat/interseccions/som. (consultada el 25 de octubre de 2021)
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