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The metaphorical image as an evaluation of a relational experience from Contemporary Art and performative play


  • Javier Abad Universidad Complutense Madrid
  • Ángeles Ruiz CSEU La Salle (UAM)



Arte Contemporáneo, Educación Superior, innovación docente, metáfora, visualidad, alteridad.


Through the socio-educational possibilities offered by shared experience in the field of interdisciplinary artistic training of teachers, a context of learning and relationship is proposed to become aware of the meaning of Contemporary Art in everyday life through the metaphorical image as development and value of individual and group change. From the foundation of the living metaphor (Ricoeur, 2001) and the idea of art as a "state of encounter" (Bourriaud, 2006), the objective of the study is to make visible the growth of a collective through the narrative of experience. The relational dimension emerges as the protagonist that underlies this situation of personal and professional transformation. Thus, the methodological procedure adopts a mixed research model that proposes different playful experiences of performative play to investigate whether there is a change of opinion in the appreciation of the enunciated arts from the critical sense provided by the image as a metaphorical mediator. Three different sessions and an initial and final comparison are carried out for the dialogic evaluation of the group. We thus see that relational art collaborates in the opening of definitions, conceptions and arguments based on the transfer of meaning offered by metaphor in its denotative and connotative aspects. The shared experience is valued to generate a feeling of belonging and belief in the values that sustain the educational community that the living and arts make visible in otherness.


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Author Biographies

Javier Abad, Universidad Complutense Madrid

Departamento de Educación Artística

Facultad de Educación


Ángeles Ruiz, CSEU La Salle (UAM)

Departamento de Educación Infantil

Facultad de Educación 

CSEU La Salle (UAM)

Profesora Titular


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Bourriaud, N. (2006). Estética relacional. Buenos Aires: Adriana Hidalgo editora.

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De Bustos, E. (2000). La Metáfora, Ensayos transdisciplinares. Madrid: Fondo de la Cultura Económica de España.

Hernández, F. (2007). Espigador@s de la cultura visual. Otra narrativa para la educación de las artes visuales. Barcelona: Octaedro.

Lakoff, G. y Johnson, M. (1985). Metáforas de la Vida Cotidiana. Madrid: Ediciones Cátedra.

Le Guern, M. (1990). La Metáfora y la Metonimia. Madrid: Ediciones Cátedra.

Mariani, M. (2019). Qué nos dicen las imágenes. La retórica visual en el arte, el diseño gráfico y la publicidad. Barcelona: Editorial Hoaki.

Marín, R. (2005). Investigación en Educación Artística. Universidad de Granada y Sevilla.

Pujadas J. J., Comas y D., Roca J. (2004). Etnografía. Barcelona: Universitat Oberta de Catalunya.

Raquejo, T. (2020). El arte de corporeizar el entorno. Madrid: Mc Graw Hill.

Ricoeur, Paul (2001). Metáfora Viva. Madrid: Editorial Trotta.

Uribe, M. (2022). La metáfora visual. Santiago de Chile, Editorial Universidad Finis Terrae.





How to Cite

Abad, J., & Ruiz, Ángeles. (2024). The metaphorical image as an evaluation of a relational experience from Contemporary Art and performative play. Educación artística: Revista De investigación, (15), 25–47.
  • Abstract
  • PDF (Español)



