Artistic multidisciplinarity and the influence of aesthetics in the Moors and Christians Festivals
The festival of Moors and Christians is erected ethnologically as one of the representations of the reconquest that began to appear around the 18th century. From the beginning and during the evolution of this tradition, art has been a fundamental part, starting with music, costume design, gastronomy and the plastic arts, which have mainly been incorporated in their own personality into from the second half of the 20th century. The plastic arts are manifested by nourishing the parades with scenographies, chromaticism, the spatial arrangements and the arrangement of the retinues of the different protagonists of the festivities, without leaving aside the different forms of parading of each of the filaes (or troupes) and of town In this work we aim to show how indispensable art in general, and Fine Arts in particular, is as a driving force in the evolution of these festivals, and how, conversely, the industry linked to the festival maintains trades that are in the process of extinction. The main part of the research that we present is to try to fit the art linked to this party into a systematized framework. The innovation of art is closely linked to the evolution of the party. Moorish and Christian festivals mark the identity of a town and tie it to culture and traditions through the Visual Arts, which emphasize the identity traits, the idiosyncrasy of the town.
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