For and Against History. Modern cinema and the missing people or the collapse of essentialism


  • Irene Valle Corpas Residencia de Estudiantes de Madrid



New Waves, memory, sixties, Jean-Luc Godard, Pier Paolo Pasolini


The freshness of the new waves actually began as a breath of memory and History. For a generation of filmmakers in the sixties, the irruption of Modernity should not mean forgetfulness, the cult of the ephemeral or the delocalised. On the contrary, working with the remains of the IIGM and in a climate of strong geopolitical tension and major social changes, especially in Europe, such filmmakers, distrusting, did not want to forget past or present wounds, they re-opened them against the amnesic consensus inherent of the days of “progress”. They set out to criticize the great ideals that began to wither on the horizon of the great social transformations of the post-war period and pleaded for the creation of new ones through the use of images.


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Author Biography

Irene Valle Corpas, Residencia de Estudiantes de Madrid

Irene Valle Corpas holds a PhD in History and Arts from the University of Granada. She also works on several research projects funded by Ministerio de Economía y Empresa, one of them at the Pompeu Fabra University, where she obtained her Master’s degree in Comparative Studies in Literature, Art and Thought. She has published articles on art historiography and on contemporary art and urban space and is currently a Research fellow at the Residencia de Estudiantes in Madrid.


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How to Cite

Valle Corpas, I. (2019). For and Against History. Modern cinema and the missing people or the collapse of essentialism. EU-topías. A Journal on Interculturality, Communication, and European Studies, 18, 49–62.
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