The ‘Black Angel’ in Lisbon: Josephine Baker challenges Salazar, live on television


  • Pedro Cravinho Birmingham Centre for Media and Cultural Research



Portugal, New State, colonialism, television, Josephine Baker


This essay examines a televised performance by Josephine Baker that took place in Portugal on 29 November 1960, during the time of Portugal’s so-called “New State” (Estado Novo) regime. The performance included the song ‘Terra Seca’ by Ary Barroso, the lyrics of which explore slavery and racial discrimination, and Baker also made a deliberate point of speaking to racial and human rights issues. Baker’s pronouncements took place within a context of global instability surrounding the ongoing decolonization process. At this time, Portugal was one of the last of the European colonial empires, and was the target of huge international media pressure in support of decolonization. Josephine Baker’s televised performance can be understood as a stance in opposition to Portuguese colonial policies. As Jill Dolan has argued, “utopian performatives persuade us that beyond this ‘now’ of material oppression and unequal power relations lives a future that might be different, one whose potential we can feel as we’re seared by the promise of a present that gestures toward a better later” (Dolan, 2008: 7). Baker’s stance reflected a resilient opposition against colonialism and a demand for better conditions for those living under oppression globally. So, with no small degree of irony, the Portuguese Public Television Service – the dictator Salazar’s “ideological apparatus”, which was controlled by a rigorous Censorship Bureau to prevent the circulation of any potentially subversive content, especially related to African issues – was used against itself by a “Black Angel”.


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Author Biography

Pedro Cravinho, Birmingham Centre for Media and Cultural Research

Pedro Cravinho researches and writes about jazz, media and archives. He is currently Keeper of the Archives at the Faculty of Arts, Design & Media, and a Research Fellow, at Birmingham Centre for Media and Cultural Research. Cravinho’s research interests include the social, political and musical history of the twentieth-century jazz diaspora. As an author and editor advisor, Cravinho has collaborated on a number of international publications, such as Jazz and Totalitarianism (Routledge, 2017), The History of European Jazz: The Music, Musicians and Audience in Context (Equinox, 2018) and The History of Jazz in Europe (Oxford University Press, forthcoming). He is currently working on his first monograph, exploring the cultural politics of jazz on television in Portugal (1954-1974).


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How to Cite

Cravinho, P. (2019). The ‘Black Angel’ in Lisbon: Josephine Baker challenges Salazar, live on television. EU-topías. A Journal on Interculturality, Communication, and European Studies, 18, 121–131.
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