Chillida and Poetry


  • Clara Janés Real Academia Española



Space, Time, Music, Matter, Form, Visible, Invisible, Chillida, Walter Pater, Juan Sebastián Bach, Heidegger, Minkowski


For Chillida, the word poetry has above all a genesic sense, and he resorts to it precisely when dealing with creation: «Aren’t construction and poetry essential components of all the arts?» If, for the physicist Minkowski, when the poet speaks «he returns to being the energy of an origin» (something intangible related to time), construction (linked to space) brings us closer when Heidegger says: «To be work is to establish a world». That’s why construction and poetry cover both things together. Chillida soon makes contact with Heidegger and writes an intense book with him entitled El arte y el espacio (Art and Space), but he also pays homage to the poet Jorge Guillén, seduced by his verse: «The deepest thing is air». On the other hand, since poetry is linked to music, where, says Walter Pater, «no distinction is made between matter and form», Chillida also approaches it. As a consequence, together with his homage to Saint John of the Cross, we find the one dedicated to John Sebastian Bach. Thus his works can be called: Rumour of Limits, Sound Spaces, Music of the Spheres, Vibrations...


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Author Biography

Clara Janés, Real Academia Española

Clara Janés holds a degree  in  Philosophy  and  an  MA in Comparative Literature from the University of Par- is-Sorbonne. Her wide poetic production includes works such as Eros (1981), Vivir (1983), Kampa (1986), Lapidario (1988), Fractales (2005), Orbes del sueño (2013) and ψ o el jar- dín de las delicias (2014), and has been translated into more than twenty languages. She is a prolific translator (texts by Vladimír Holan, Jaroslav Seifert, Marguerite Duras, Nathalie Sarraute, Katherine Mansfield and William Golding, among others). She has also published numerous works in prose, es- says, e.g. Cirlot, el no mundo y la poesía imaginal (1996), La palabra y el secreto (1999), and María Zambrano. Desde la sombra llameante (2010) as well as novels such as Los caballos del sueño (1989) and El hombre de Adén (1991). Since 2015 she is a member of the Royal Spanish Academy


Amón, Santiago. Eduardo Chillida, Martin Heidegger, Jorge Guillén. Madrid: Galería Turner, 1974.

Bachelard, Gaston. Poética del espacio. México: FCE, 1986.

Barañano, Kosme María. «Sobre el silencio del abismo». Chillida-Heidegger-Husserl. El concepto de espacio en la filosofía y la plástica del siglo XX. Bilbao: Universidad del País Vasco, 1990. 

Chamorro Romero, Eduardo. «Chillida: yunque de sueños». Simposium APM, noviembre de 1999.

Eiras, Pedro. Bach. Lisboa: Assírio & Alvim, 2014.

Fernández Ordóñez, José Antonio. Domande. Preguntas. Milán: All’insegna del pesce d’oro, 1997.

Gómez Pin, Víctor. «Diálogo con Eduardio Chillida y René Thom ante el espacio... pliegues y frunces». Actas del primer Congreso Internacional de Ontología. Barcelona: UAB, 1994.

— «Del “poema” de Parménides a la curvatura del espacio (motivos filosóficos y motivos científicos en el trabajo de Eduardo Chillida». Homenaje a Eduardo Chillida (1924-2002). Bilbao: UPV/EHU, Curso R.1. U. del País Vasco, 18/20 de agosto de 2003.

Heiddeger, Martin. Arte y poesía. México: Fondo de Cultura Económica, 1958.

Jankélévitch, Vladimír. Barcelona: Ediciones Alpha Decay, 2005.

Lledó, Emilio. Fidelidad a Grecia. Valladolid: Cuatro ediciones, 2015.

Rabe, Ana María. «El arte y la tierra en Martin Heidegger y Eduardo Chillida». Arte, Individuo y Sociedad, 14, 2002. 

Ugarte, Luxio. Chillida: dudas y preguntas. Donostia: Erein, 1994.




How to Cite

Janés, C. (2020). Chillida and Poetry. EU-topías. A Journal on Interculturality, Communication, and European Studies, 19, 49–56.
  • Abstract
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