Sagrado y obsceno: Between the Character of the Rebel, Social Types and Local Colour


  • Ricardo Azuaga Universidad de Valencia



Film Analysis, costumbrismo, guerrilla, social types, Venezuelan cinema


From the analysis of the film Sagrado y obsceno (Román Chalbaud, Venezuela, 1975) we distinguish the character of the rebel, to notice some social types introduced in the story, to establish if the presence of local colour by means of stylistic features from costumbrismo contradicts the realistic approach that seems to justify a main part of the prevailing filmic form of the text. In order to reach those objectives we contrast the main character’s features with those of the character of the rebel; outlining the way the rest of the dramatis personae may be represented as far as actual social types or mere replications of collective imaginary stereotypes; finally establishing the way using costumbrismo and local colour reinforces or weakens the conceptual and narrative proposal present in the film.


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Author Biography

Ricardo Azuaga, Universidad de Valencia

Ricardo Azuaga holds a Ph. D. in Audiovisual Communication (University of Valencia, Spain), a M. A. in Arts (Cinematographic Arts) at the Central University of Venezuela. Senior Lecturer of Film Studies and a film critic. Member of the editorial staff of Cine-oja magazine (1987-2001). Film critic of the Últimas Noticias, a national circulation newspaper, between 2005 and 2014. He has published papers and partipated in congress in Venezuela, Spain and Mexico. Coordinator of the book Diversidad en los Estudios Cinematográficos and has publiched texts in books Cine documental en América Latina and Miradas desinhibidas: el nuevo documental iberoamericano an is a member of the Red de Investigadores de Cine Latinomericano (RICiLa).


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— «Sagrado y obsceno». Cine al día, 21, 1977, pp. 20. 

Martínez i Surinyac, Gabriel. El guión del guionista. El desarrollo del guión desde la idea hasta el guión literario. Barcelona: Cims 97, 1998. 

Paranaguá, Paulo Antonio. «Román Chalbaud: The «National» Melodrama on an Air of Bolero». Framing Latin American Cinema. Contemporary Critical Perspectives. Ed. Ann Marie Stock. Minnesota: Minnesota University Press, 1997, pp. 162-173.

Pimentel, Luz Aurora. El relato en perspectiva. Estudio de teoría narrativa. México: Siglo XXI, 1998. 

Thompson, Kristin. Breaking the Glass Armor. Neoformalist Film Analysis. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1988. 

Ubersfeld, Anne. Semiótica teatral. Madrid: Cátedra, 1993.




How to Cite

Azuaga, R. (2020). <i>Sagrado y obsceno:</i> Between the Character of the Rebel, Social Types and Local Colour. EU-topías. A Journal on Interculturality, Communication, and European Studies, 19, 111–122.
  • Abstract
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