United Europe of Research and Innovation. Intercultural Cooperation at Practice


  • Sabine Herlitschka Medizinische Universität Graz




Science and technology, innovation, competitiveness, intercultural cooperation, the european research area (ERA), “Lisbon strategy”, “Europe 2020” strategy, framework programmes


With its Framework Programmes for Research, technological Development and Demonstration, the European Union set up – back in the year 1984 – what have become the largest, cooperative as well as competitive research & technology programmes worldwide. Oriented towards the objective of strengthening European competitiveness, the Framework Programmes have evolved into the flagship instrument contributing to the development of a European Research Area, a single European market to the world of Science & Technology – ensuring open and transparent “trade” in skills, ideas and know-how by creating a United Europe of research and innovation. Having brought together around 400.000 researchers teams, several of them repeatedly, from Europe and the world in funded projects, the impact of the Framework Programmes though goes far beyond just providing funding for these projects. Indeed, the key strength of the Framework Programmes is that they have nurtured a culture of cooperation between the best universities, companies, research organizations in Europe and beyond, thus bringing together different actors, sectors, cultures, gender, nationalities, etc. This capability of intercultural cooperation is what Europe has developed and professionalized for over 25 years, which nowadays provides European research communities with what is a key competitive asset and advantage: contributing to solving global challenges by international, thus intercultural cooperation of the best “brains” in science, technology and innovation


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How to Cite

Herlitschka, S. (2011). United Europe of Research and Innovation. Intercultural Cooperation at Practice. EU-topías. A Journal on Interculturality, Communication, and European Studies, 1, 95–104. https://doi.org/10.7203/eutopias.1.18444
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