The concept of revelation in Islam, from the book of traditions of al-Bukhârî


  • Anne-Sylvie Boisliveau Aix-Marseille Université



Islam, hadith, Sunna, Qur’an (Koran/Quran), Islamic dogma, tradition, Bukhârî, authority, recitation, rituals, beliefs, religious practice, interreligious dialogue


The present article deals with the notion of revelation in Islam through the study of one of the sources of Islamic dogma: the Sunna or “tradition”, a corpus constituted of hadîths (accounts about the Prophet Muhammad or his companions). It investigates what information is provided about the Qur’ân in one of the most canonical collections of hadiths: the ?a?î? (“authentic”) gathered by Abû ‘Abdullâh al-Bukhârî (d. 256 h./870 CE). The first part shows that a substantial portion of the text was used to support and reinforce the status of the qur’ânic text, and the authority which proceeds from it. The second part analyzes the other important component of the speech about the Qur’ân: the speech about the qur’ânic reading-reciting-psalmody and about the bodily movements, postures, and conditions that accompany it. This research has shown the conceptualization of the relationship of the believer towards the Qur’ân as is put forth by the collection of hadîths of al-Bukhârî: the concept of an external relationship though the performance of qur’ânic recitation.


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How to Cite

Boisliveau, A.-S. (2012). The concept of revelation in Islam, from the book of traditions of al-Bukhârî. EU-topías. A Journal on Interculturality, Communication, and European Studies, 3, 89–98.
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