Dialectiques réalistes du discours critique: Barkin, Bazin, Desternes


  • Maria Tortajada Université de Lausanne, Suisse




Realismo, teoría de la representación, cine, Bazin, Barkan, Desternes


During the forties and fifties, discourses about cinema were dealt with in terms of theory of representation. Italian neorealism catalyzed the criticalpositionswithinthedebateaboutrealism,yetItalianneorealist films were not the only ones to raise the question of the relationship between film and reality. If the notion of transparency was conside- red as the key concept within the discourse of realism, it is certainly does not provide an exhaustive explanation of it. By referring to three examples, we show here how the interest of the critical and theoreti- cal debate about realism in post-war France displays various forms to conceive of reality, representation and the role of the spectator. In this article we will examine three models, or ‘ideologies’, of representation.


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How to Cite

Tortajada, M. (2015). Dialectiques réalistes du discours critique: Barkin, Bazin, Desternes. EU-topías. A Journal on Interculturality, Communication, and European Studies, 9, 19–33. https://doi.org/10.7203/eutopias.0.18744
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