¿Saber, o no saber?. El legado eurocentrista ante la subjetividad migrante


  • Valeria Wagner University of Geneva




Migrant Subjectivities, Experience of Migration, Established Knowledges, Eurocentrism


This paper reflects on the contribution of migrant subjectivities to the process of reorientation and deconstruction of the hierarchy of established Western knowledge, historically Eurocentric. Starting from a text that presents migrant experience not only in terms of loss, lack, trauma and suffering, but which also takes into account the complex subjectivities and the diversity of knowledge it generates, we attempt to imagine conditions that could allow us to modify the relation between knowledge and its uses.


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How to Cite

Wagner, V. (2013). ¿Saber, o no saber?. El legado eurocentrista ante la subjetividad migrante. EU-topías. A Journal on Interculturality, Communication, and European Studies, 6, 133–140. https://doi.org/10.7203/eutopias.0.18888
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