The Wizard of Dreams (1966), by Francisco Macián: Originality and contamination of Andersen in Spanish animation.


  • Angélica García Manso Universidad de Extremadura



Andersen, animation film, literature-cinema adaptation, Macián, Spanish cinema.


The Spanish animated film The Wizard of Dreams (1966), directed by Francisco Macián, is based on the story Ole Lukøie, by Hans Christian Andersen. Throughout seven stories, the film blends other texts of the Danish writer, the tradition of European children’s stories and Macián’s own, as well as the influence of world animated cinema. The result is an original work and, at the same time, a work which reveals Andersen’s imprint. In the article we analyse each of the short stories, little jewels of Spanish animation, which show the puppets of the TV Telerín family, together with the processes of mise en abyme and metanoia present in the film.  


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Author Biography

Angélica García Manso, Universidad de Extremadura

Angélica García-Manso is a university and high school teacher. PhD in Art History from the Universidad de Extremadura with a thesis on the interrelationship between the arts (mainly literature and the image, either iconographic, mythological or figurative in painting and film). She has also worked on rural film heritage and on didactics of children’s and young people’s literature. She is a member of the Research Group MUSAEXI of the Universidad de Extremadura.


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How to Cite

García Manso, A. (2020). <i>The Wizard of Dreams</i> (1966), by Francisco Macián: Originality and contamination of Andersen in Spanish animation. EU-topías. A Journal on Interculturality, Communication, and European Studies, 20, 47–58.
  • Abstract
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