On the concept of "national cinema". The case of "the new wave of Romanian cinema"


  • Francisco M. Ayuso Ros Universitat de València




Romanian cinema, new wave, national cinema, textual analysis, film festivals.


The article focuses on the study of a cinematographic phenomenon that has gradually acquired its own identity in the circuit of European film festivals, especially the Cannes Festival, as well as in the specialised press, and has come to be known as «Romanian new wave cinema». Our starting point is to consider concepts such as «national cinema» and «new wave» as in need to be accounted for in the framework of a globalised world and of 21th century Europe, while taking into account the role played by film festivals and different European funding mechanisms in configuring the trends which have recently come to the fore. We also deem necessary to analyse the supposed cohesion of the common brand of Romanian film production by applying the methodological scalpel of textual analysis. 


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Author Biography

Francisco M. Ayuso Ros, Universitat de València

Fran Ayuso Ros holds a Ph. D. in Audiovisual Communication from Universitat de València, a Master’s degree in Interculturality and Communication Policies in Information Society from the same institution, and a Master’s degree in   Formación del Profesorado de Educación Secundaria Obligatoria y Bachillerato from Universidad Europea. Among his publications, «Policía, adjetivo (Corneliu Porumboiu: Reconstrucción, realismo y crisis del lenguaje» in Revista F@ro (2014); «La muerte del Sr. Lazarescu (Cristi Puiu, 2005): de la herencia neorrealista al teatro del absurdo», a chapter of the volume Nuevas formas de expresión en comunicación and «La reformulación de la tradición realista en 4 meses, 3 semanas y 2 días (Cristian Mungiu, 2007)», a chapter of the book Lenguajes y persuasión: Nuevas creaciones narrativas . He was the editorial director of the journal Unstate .


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How to Cite

Ayuso Ros, F. M. (2021). On the concept of "national cinema". The case of "the new wave of Romanian cinema". EU-topías. A Journal on Interculturality, Communication, and European Studies, 21, 65–84. https://doi.org/10.7203/eutopias.21.21264
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