Julie Doucet: from the underground to disenchantment and graphic experimentation


  • Magda Mengual Morata
  • Jordi Giner Monfort




Julie Doucet, experimentation, underground, collage, autobiography.


The work of Canadian cartoonist Julie Doucet, the author of Dirty Plotte and My New York Diary, is known for its somber tone and the density of space. After a few years in which she collaborated with publications such as Wimmen’s Comix, Twisted Sisters and Weirdo, Doucet gradually abandoned the hegemonic postulates of comics and her recognisable personal style and adopted new forms of graphic experimentation. There seem to have been several reasons behind this decision, among them her wanting out of a market largely made by and for the male readers. While transgression was already an established feature of Doucet’s work, both in language and image, her latest albums, especially 365 Days, Elle Humour, My New New York Diary and Carpet Sweeper Tales, represent a further step in visual and narrative experimentation, through both the use of collage and the loss of importance of the written word. 


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Author Biographies

Magda Mengual Morata

Magda Mengual Morata holds a degree in Catalan philology and teaches at the Ifach Secondary School in Calp. She holds a Master’s Degree in Comics and Education (Universitat de València) with a Master’s Thesis on femininity and feminism in the work of Julie Doucet (2020).

Jordi Giner Monfort

Jordi Giner Monfort teaches at the University of Valencia. He is the author of the monograph Historietes valencianes del segle XIX. Els pioners del combeo (Alfons el Magnànim, 2018) on the origins of the Valencian comic boook. He curated an exhibition about comics within the framework of the XIII Congress of the Spanish Federation of Sociology, published as a monograph with title El lugar del cómic en la sociología (Fundación SM, 2019). 


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How to Cite

Mengual Morata, M., & Giner Monfort, J. (2021). Julie Doucet: from the underground to disenchantment and graphic experimentation. EU-topías. A Journal on Interculturality, Communication, and European Studies, 21, 163–173. https://doi.org/10.7203/eutopias.21.21272
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