The Neguentropy. How does a plant know that Spring is coming?
Schrödinger, Prigogine, entropy, thermodynamics, time, randomness, disorder, matter, energy.
Life contains an irreversible phenomenon, entropy, a tendency towards disorder, result of the interchange of energy and matter with the environment, linked to the second law of Thermodynamics. One element that contributes such process is chance, «the understandable perhaps», for Schrödinger, involving the autonomy of time according to Prigogine. Schrödinger wonders how a living organism manages to «prevent thermodynamic equilibrium from degrading (death)», and answers: «with a certain level of negative entropy», that is, «By extracting ‘order’ from the environment».
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— Was ist Materie?, Originaltonaufnahmen, 86 minuten, c+p 2002/2007 supposé Köln ISBN 978-3-932513-30-5 LC 10439.
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