The Neguentropy. How does a plant know that Spring is coming?


  • Clara Janés



Schrödinger, Prigogine, entropy, thermodynamics, time, randomness, disorder, matter, energy.


Life contains an irreversible phenomenon, entropy, a tendency towards disorder, result of the interchange of energy and matter with the environment, linked to the second law of Thermodynamics. One element that contributes such process is chance, «the understandable perhaps», for Schrödinger, involving the autonomy of time according to Prigogine. Schrödinger wonders how a living organism manages to «prevent thermodynamic equilibrium from degrading (death)», and answers: «with a certain level of negative entropy», that is, «By extracting ‘order’ from the environment».


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Author Biography

Clara Janés

Clara Janés holds a degree in Philosophy and a Master’s Degree in Comparative Literature from the University of Paris-Sorbonne. Her wide poetic production includes works such as Eros (1981), Vivir (1983), Kampa (1986), Lapidario (1988), Fractales (2005), Orbes del sueño (2013) and ψ o el jardín de las delicias (2014), and has been translated into more than twenty languages. She is a prolific translator (texts by Vladimír Holan, Jaroslav Seifert, Marguerite Duras, Nathalie Sarraute, Katherine Mansfield and William Golding, among others). She has also published numerous works in prose, essays, e.g. Cirlot, el no mundo y la poesía imaginal (1996), La palabra y el secreto (1999), and María Zambrano. Desde la sombra llameante (2010) as well as novels such as Los caballos del sueño (1989) and El hombre de Adén (1991). Since 2015 she is a member of the Royal Spanish Academy.


Götschl, Johann (ed.). Erwin Schrödinger’s World wiew. The Dynamics of knowledge and Reality. Dordrecht, Boston y Londres: Kluver Achademic Publishers, 1992.

Hörz, Herbert. «Determinination and self organisation: Erwin Schrödinger’s views on chance», en Götschl, Johann (ed.). Erwin Schrödinger’s World wiew. The Dynamics of knowledge and Reality. Dordrecht, Boston y Londres: Kluver Achademic Publishers, 1992.

Prigogine, Ilia. Poésie an 2000. Quatorzieme biennale de poésie. Palais des Congres, Liege, du 30 aut au 3 septembre, 1984, Maison Internationale de la Poésie. 

El nacimiento del tiempo. Barcelona: Tusquets,1993.

¿Tan solo una ilusión?. Barcelona: Tusquets, 2004.

Prigogine, Ilia y Stengers, Isabelle. La nueva alianza. Metamorfosis de la ciencia. Madrid: Alianza Editorial, 1994.

Rupert Riedl. «Schrödinger’s negentropy concept and biology» en Götschl, Johann (ed.). Erwin Schrödinger’s World wiew. The Dynamics of knowledge and Reality. Dordrecht, Boston y Londres: Kluver Achademic Publishers, 1992.

Sánchez Ron, José Manuel. Albert Einstein. Su vida y su obra. Madrid: Crítica y Fundación BBVA, 2015. 

Schrödinger, Erwin. ¿Qué es una ley de la naturaleza? México: Fondo de Cultura Económica, 1975. 

Mente y Materia, traducción de Jorge Wagensberg, Barcelona: Tusquets, 1990.

— ¿Qué es la vida?, traducción de Ricarrdo Guerrero, Barcelona: Tusquets, 2011.

Was ist Materie?, Originaltonaufnahmen, 86 minuten, c+p 2002/2007 supposé Köln ISBN 978-3-932513-30-5 LC 10439.




How to Cite

Janés, C. (2021). The Neguentropy. How does a plant know that Spring is coming?. EU-topías. A Journal on Interculturality, Communication, and European Studies, 22, 29–35.
  • Abstract
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