The figuration of the narrative voice in El italiano by Arturo Pérez Reverte: story of a tired narrator


  • Francisco Javier Hernández Ruiz



Pérez-Reverte, narrator, postmodernity


This article explores, on the one hand, the continuity of some of the main motifs of Arturo Pérez Reverte’s poetics in the author’s latest novel, El italiano (2021). On the other hand, it highlights the novel use (with respect to his previous works) that Pérez-Reverte makes of the figuration of the narrative voice itself within the novel in order to shift the character of his «tired» (that is, bitterly lucid and disillusioned) heroes to the narrative voice in order to preserve, in the novel, the remains of the classical hero and his epic. Thus it maintains a coherent correlation with the «discourse from the ruins» used in earlier works, in which, though, such discourse was produced from the character’s memory and not from the figurative narrative voice.


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Author Biography

Francisco Javier Hernández Ruiz

Francisco Javier Hernández Ruiz (1980, Spain) is an independent researcher who teaches at Secondary and Baccalaureate level. In 2004 he graduated in Hispanic Philology from the University of Valencia and in 2021 he obtained his PhD in Communication and Interculturality from the same university with his dissertation Imagen y narración: el discurso sobre la guerra en Territorio comanche , El pintor de batallas y El francotirador paciente de Arturo Pérez-Reverte . His line of work mainly revolves around the work of the aforementioned author. His research focuses on the relationship between the narrative voice and the narration of war horror, the figurations that sustain the Revertian narrative as well as the interrelations between narrative and cinema, photography, graffiti in their representation of war and its horror.  


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How to Cite

Hernández Ruiz, F. J. (2022). The figuration of the narrative voice in <em>El italiano</em> by Arturo Pérez Reverte: story of a tired narrator. EU-topías. A Journal on Interculturality, Communication, and European Studies, 24, 45–54.
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