José Iturbi meets Landowska: impressions of Parisian life and art studies


  • Nieves Pascual León Conservatorio Superior de Música de Valencia



Piano, José Iturbi, Wanda Landowska, Domenico Scarlatti, Music Conservatory of Valencia.


During her Spanish tour at the beginning of 1911, Wanda Landowska played a recital in Valencia, where she also had the opportunity to meet the young José Iturbi, who was to become her disciple from that moment. This paper starts from this pedagogical encounter and, through a reflection based on the theoretical principles that guided instrumental interpretation in the mid-eighteenth century and the hemerographic analysis of some of the Valencian newspapers of the time, analyzes two performative proposals of the Sonata K27 by Domenico Scarlatti from two historical audiovisual recordings of both artists.


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Author Biography

Nieves Pascual León, Conservatorio Superior de Música de Valencia

Nieves Pascual León (Valencia, 1986) studied Piano and Musicology at the Conservatory of Music of Valencia (2008), combining these studies with Business Administration and Management (UPV, 2011). She holds a PhD in Music from the Polytechnic University of Valencia (2015) with a research on the pedagogical work of Leopold Mozart. She has collaborated with various media in the field of music and has worked in the area of artistic management of Palau de les Arts in Valencia; she currently collaborates as coordinator of Ópera XXI (Spanish Association of Theaters, Festivals and Opera Seasons in Spain). She is Professor of Musicology at the Conservatorio Superior de Música de Valencia and, since September 2021, holds the position of Head of the Music and Performing Arts Service at the Ministry of Education and Vocational Training.


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Cardona, M. «Wanda Landowska, célebre virtuosa pianística». La Esquella de la Torratxa, 27-I-1911, p. 7.

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Iturbi, José. «Impresiones de un artista novel». Las Provincias, 31-VII-1911, p. 1.

Iturbi, José. «Impresiones de París». Las Provincias, 10-VIII-1911, p. 1.

Landowska, Wanda. Bach et ses interprètes. Sur l’interpretation des oeuvres de clavecin de J. S. Bach. Poitiers: Blais et Roy, 1905.

Landowska, Wanda. Musique ancienne: le mépris pour les anciens, la forcé de la sonorité, le style, l’interprétation, les virtuoses, les mécènes et la musique. París: Mercure de France, 1909.

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Landowska, Wanda. «Mis pensamientos en música». Las Provincias, 13-I-1911, p. 1.

Landowska, Wanda. Les influences françaises chez Bach. Thuars: Imprimerie Nouvelle, 1912.

López-Chavarri, Eduardo. «Pepito Iturbi y Wanda Landowska». Las Provincias, 04-IV-1912, pp. 1-2.

Marpurg, Friedrich Wilhelm. Anleitung zum Klavierspielen. Berlín, A. Haude y J. C. Spener, 1755. 

Mozart, Leopold. Versuch einer gründlichen Violinschule. Augsburgo: Johann Jacob Lotter, 1756.

Pascual León, Nieves. Teoría musical alemana en el siglo XVIII. Interpretación instrumental a partir de la «Escuela de Violín» de Leopold Mozart. Alicante: Letra de Palo, 2021. 

Pascual León, Nieves. «Autógrafos de artistas: Valencia en el panorama musical internacional a principios del siglo XX. El libro de firmas como fuente de documentación musical». En Nassarre: Revista aragonesa de musicología, 32, 2016, pp. 167-206.

Quantz, Johann Joachim. Versuch einer Anweisung die Flöte traversiere zu spielen. Berlín: Johann Friedrich Voβ, 1752.

«Concierto Wanda Landowska». Las Provincias, 19-I-1911, p. 1.

«En el conservatorio». La Correspondencia de Valencia, 20-I-1911, p. 1.

«Notas». El Pueblo: diario republicano de Valencia, 01-I-1911, p. 2.

«Notas». El Pueblo: diario republicano de Valencia, 31-I-1911, p. 2. 

«Noticias locales». La Correspondencia de Valencia, 29-XI-1911, p. 2.

«Wanda Landowska en Valencia». Las Provincias, 12-I-1911, p. 1.


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How to Cite

Pascual León, N. (2022). José Iturbi meets Landowska: impressions of Parisian life and art studies. EU-topías. A Journal on Interculturality, Communication, and European Studies, 23, 99–106.
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