Life versus Theoretical-Critical Archive. Ángel Rama and his diary




Latin Americanism, Ángel Rama, Héctor Libertella, Journal, Literary Theory.


This proposal emerges as an enquiry into the field of the theoretical-critical archive of «Latin Americanism”, which we assume to be a problem of selection of the past and the effect of the elaboration of an academic perspectivism. Until the death of Ángel Rama, Latin Americanism functioned according to the utopian character given to it by Pedro Henríquez Ureña, and this was an effective and accepted criterion until the post-Soviet era and the neoliberalism of the 1990s ended up disarticulating it as a space for thought. Thus, this article proposes a reading of Ángel Rama’s Diary, 1974-1983, based on the theoretical perspective designed by Hector Libertella in Nueva escritura en Latinoamérica (1977). They correspond to a specific time frame in which Venezuela, as a publishing location for one and as a place of exile for the other, makes them coincide.


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Author Biography

Silvana Santucci, Universidad Nacional de Rosario - CONICET

Silvana Santucci lives and works in Argentina. She holds a BA and PhD in Literature from the Universidad Nacional del Litoral and the Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, respectively. She is currently Assistant Professor of Iberoamerican Literature II at the National University of Rosario and Assistant Researcher at CONICET. Her research interests focus on the Latin American cultural field of the twentieth century. Her book Heredar Cuba. Una teoría literaria en Severo Sarduy explores the thought of the Cuban and the epistemic archive summoned by the textual-visual relations of the neo-baroque. It participates in the network “Archives in Transition. Collective memories and subaltern uses” integrated by Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main, Università Degli Studi Roma Tre, and Universidad Nacional de Tres de Febrero, Universidad del Litoral among others.


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How to Cite

Santucci, S. (2023). Life versus Theoretical-Critical Archive. Ángel Rama and his diary. EU-topías. A Journal on Interculturality, Communication, and European Studies, 25, 59–66.
  • Abstract
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