Dante’s inferno on the margins of the Eternal City. Pasolini and the staging tradition of the Roman periphery


  • Jonas Köhler Universität Leipzig




Pasolini, Accattone, Mamma Roma, Lo chiamavano Jeeg Robot, Non essere cattivo, Come un gatto in tangenziale, Roman periphery, Italian cinema.


This paper will discuss the dialogue between Pasolini and a new generation of Italian filmmakers, in particular a specific tradition of staging the city, not failing to explore the use and partial deconstruction of myths associated with Rome, and the associated stylistics of a particular narrative, which began thanks to the cinematic work of Pasolini. In this context, the dialogue between Pasolini’s films Accattone (1961) and Mamma Roma (1962) and three films of the last decade will be analyzed: Gabriele Mainetti’s Lo chiamavano Jeeg Robot (2015), Claudio Caligari’s Non essere cattivo (2015), and Riccardo Milani’s Come un gatto in tangenziale (2017).


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Author Biography

Jonas Köhler, Universität Leipzig

Jonas Köhler has held a position  as Research Assistant at the Institute of Romance Studies at Leipzig University since 2021. He is currently working on his dissertation project on “City - Myth - Space. The staging of Rome in Italian cinema”.


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How to Cite

Köhler, J. (2024). Dante’s inferno on the margins of the Eternal City. Pasolini and the staging tradition of the Roman periphery. EU-topías. A Journal on Interculturality, Communication, and European Studies, 27, 65–76. https://doi.org/10.7203/eutopias.27.28416
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