Haptic Visuality and the Subjective Free Indirect in Queer Cinema: a Dialogue Between Pasolini and Martel
Pasolini, Lucrecia Martel, focalisation, haptic visuality, free indirect discourse.
This article proposes an exploration of the synergies between the haptic visuality conceptualized by Laura Marks and the subjective free indirect defined by Pasolini, as well as the successive reinterpretations of the concept carried out by authors such as Deleuze or Mirizio. Our goal is to analyse how these theoretical perspectives converge in the so-called Salta Trilogy, directed by Lucrecia Martel. Through a careful analysis of La ciénaga (2001), La niña santa (2004), and La mujer sin cabeza (2008), we aim to explore how the intersection between haptic visuality and free indirect subjective can shed light on narrative and sensory strategies in Lucrecia Martel’s filmography, enriching our understanding of her unique contribution to cinematic language.
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