The emperor’s new clothes: inbreeding, nepotism, cronyism, idols and myths in the backrooms of the contemporary Spanish poetry
The aim of this paper is to analyze some extrapoetic elements (clientelar networks, institutional influence, control of public resources, gift circuits, overexposure, etc.) that have given visibility, hegemony and power to certain poetic discourses always in line with the dominant ideology, from the seventies to the present. Likewise, it highlights how this same cultural, political, commercial and ideological framework at the service of the social deactivation and naturalization of capitalism as everyday life, all dissenting poetry has been exhausted, neglected and made invisible. This paper focuses especially on the phenomenon of “poesía de la conciencia crítica”, which has been denouncing, since the nineties, life damaged under capitalism from a radical and heterodox point of view, related to libertarian, collectivist and autonomous social practices.
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