A figure in the shadows: Salvador Allende in Chilean films of the post-dictatorship





Salvador Allende, Chile, the post-dictatorship culture, documentaries, fiction films


 This essay analyses three contemporary Chilean films that propose fictional and documentary representations about Presidente Salvador Allende’s life and political legacy. The hypothesis that guides the analysis states that these films question the overshadowed facet of Allende’s figure within the cultural scene of the post-dictatorship. The work carried out three objectives. Firstly, analysing the utterance and compositional resources and strategies utilised to recreate Allende’s private and public life. Secondly, looking into meanings conveyed by those resources and strategies. Thirdly, explaining how the film narratives dialogue with other social discourses by establishing questioning visions regarding the opacity of both Allende’s figure and – more broadly – social memories about the UP’s political experience. The corpus encompassed the following films: Salvador Allende (2004), by Patricio Guzmán, Allende en su laberinto [Allende in his labyrinth] (2014) by Miguel Littin and Allende mi abuelo Allende [Allende my grandfather Allende] (2015) by Marcia Tambutti.


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How to Cite

Salomone, A. (2021). A figure in the shadows: Salvador Allende in Chilean films of the post-dictatorship. Kamchatka. Revista De análisis Cultural., (17), 299–315. https://doi.org/10.7203/KAM.17.18014
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Monográfico. La vía cultural al socialismo. Políticas de la cultura en el Chile de la UP


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