Porn or postporn? A proposal to read La enciclopedia del amor en tiempos del porno (Josefa Ruiz-Tagle & Lucía Egaña Rojas)
Pornografía, postpornografía, Josefa Ruiz-Tagle, Lucía Egaña Rojas, feminismoAbstract
Post-pornographic manifestations usually have a visual and performative nature. In this context, Enciclopedia en los tiempos del porno, by Josefa Ruiz-Tagle and Lucía Egaña Rojas, a set of micro-stories that reviews the pillars of the pornographic imaginary, disarming or reconstructing them in an unexpected way, lends itself, rather, to an almost programmatic reading of some conceptions or features already studied of post-pornographic manifestations. From a multiple and diffuse narrative self, the authors’ proposal seeks not to reject but to appropriate pornography from other angles that conventional pornography does not contemplate. In this exploration of a sample of terms that illustrate the shift operated by the authors, we aim at signifying this shift, thus offering a key to reading it from some of the assumptions of postpornography as conceived by Egaña Rojas, Milano and Llopis, among others.
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