Letters to Lola. Family Archives, War Memories and a Photo





Family Archives, Letters, Photography, Memories, Spanish Civil War, Franco.


 What clues can provide an epistolary archive about daily life during the Spanish Civil War? The handwritten letters by Josep María to his wife and family from the Republican Front lasted between August 22, 1937 and May 15, 1939, including an interruption after being taken prisoner and taken to a concentration camp. The place of photography and letters as vehicles for family memories will be investigated, since the allusion to family portraits appears insistently in the deferred dialogue between the spouses. In addition to understanding photography as an image that brings the presence of the absent person, its material and objectual character is also underlined, its quality as a photographic thing that weighs, is treasured and that, unfortunately for the soldier, also runs the risk of being lost.


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How to Cite

Fortuny, N. (2021). Letters to Lola. Family Archives, War Memories and a Photo. Kamchatka. Revista De análisis Cultural., (18), 33–54. https://doi.org/10.7203/KAM.18.20301
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Monográfico. La memoria de las cosas. Cultura material y vida cotidiana en el franquismo


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