Fictions of Cognitive Disability in the Contemporary Hispanic Novel: Between Stigma and the Destabilization of the Canon
Novel, Fiction, Disability, Diversidad Funcional, Cristina Morales, Aurora VenturiniAbstract
This article focuses on the stigmatization and lack of representation of cognitive disability in fiction, also traceable in academic research. It analyzes how two novels in Spanish written on both sides of the Atlantic (one in Argentina and the other in Spain), ‘Las primas’ (2007) by Aurora Venturini, and ‘Lectura fácil’ (2018) by Cristina Morales, portray women narrators and protagonists with cognitive disabilities. The study compares the contexts of writing, appearance, and reception of these works, draws on disability studies, and examines representations alongside old and new meanings that emerge from disability in narratives. In addition, it discusses the role of novelistic fiction in constructing social images of disability and the intersections with the stigmatization of women and the legitimization of women writers in the current literary field.
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