Post-Indigenism, Neo-Indigenism, Indigenism, Latin American science fictionAbstract
Given the evolution that the narrative has undergone and, likewise, the situation of indigenous people, and how it appears in fictionalized stories, it is time to think of a term that is appropriate to recent literary expressions on this topic. A new nomenclature, post-indigenism, which would mean the replacement of the so-called neo-indigenist narrative; term that was applied to the novels and stories that about the indigenous were published in the sixties and part of the seventies, and that had as a precedent the narratives about the indigenous in the forties. To understand in all its dimension what this new nomenclature entails, we will focus on the recent conquests of the indigenous people in Latin America, the passage from indianism to narrative indigenism and from this to post-indigenism, its characteristics and its peculiarities, as well as its relationships and differences with previous movements. I will close this question with Latin American science fiction and the question of the indigenous.
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