Write, Heal, Cohabit: Creer en las fieras by Nastassja Martin





Nastassja Martin, Writing, Body, Feral, Perspectivism, community.


This article explores Nastassja Martin’s work, Creer en las fieras (2021), in which the French anthropologist narrates her attack by a bear in the Kamchatka mountains and then her process of physical, as well as ontological, reconstruction. We analyse three thematic dimensions present in the text: first, the writing from and about the body as a way of healing; second, the vanishing lines that project a corpo politics; and third, the cohabitation with the feral from a corporal perspectivism. In this way, the story proposes the bodily device as a metaphor for the feral in pursuit of a community with the cyclical unity of the living. As a research outcome, it’s worth asking if the text would not be part of a global literature that, within posthumanist notions, provide a novel perspective on the links between species as a fluid cohabitation of the living condition through an “emancipation story”.


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How to Cite

Mercier, C., & González, D. (2024). Write, Heal, Cohabit: Creer en las fieras by Nastassja Martin. Kamchatka. Revista De análisis Cultural., (23), 567–587. https://doi.org/10.7203/KAM.23.27788
  • Abstract
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Miscellany: topics, poetics and issues of contemporary culture


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