Peer Review Process
Kamchatka. Revista de análisis cultural has a biannual periodicity and will publish its two annual issues in July and December.
All research articles received by Kamchatka. Revista de análisis cultural will be submitted to the following refereeing system:
1. First, the articles will be reviewed internally by the management team or the editorial board, which will decide on the relevance of the article with respect to the research areas of the journal and whether or not to continue with the evaluation process. All authors whose articles have been rejected will be notified in writing of the reasons for this decision. An article may be rejected for not meeting the journal's research standards or for not being related to the debates, methodologies and issues that are of primary interest to the journal.
Articles that pass this internal evaluation will be submitted to the URKUND plagiarism detection program before passing to the external evaluation phase. Any irregularity detected will be notified to the authors, which may result in the exclusion of the article from the evaluation process.
2. Secondly, the articles will be reviewed by external evaluators, chosen for their recognized prestige in the area of study of the article. According to the blind peer review system, each article will be evaluated anonymously by at least two evaluators who are specialists in the field of study. A greater number of evaluations may be requested when deemed convenient (evaluators from different disciplines or traditions). After reading and analyzing the evaluations, the editors of the issue, together with the journal's management, will make a reasoned decision regarding each article, which may be rejection, acceptance without modifications, acceptance with minor modifications or the need for structural modifications.
In the case of articles submitted to the miscellaneous section, only texts that receive excellent evaluations, that do not require major modifications and that, in the opinion of the journal, make a very significant contribution to the field of study will be published. The number of articles published in this section is necessarily small and therefore the selection process is very demanding.
Evaluations will take into account the originality and scientific quality of the proposal, its contribution to the field of study in which it is included, its use of appropriate methodological tools, its coherence and clarity of exposition and its interest for the development of cultural analysis.
All authors whose articles have been rejected by the Scientific Committee will be notified in writing of the reasons for this decision. Likewise, those whose articles will be included in the publication will be notified of their acceptance. This process depends on the work of external evaluators, who perform their evaluations without remuneration and on a voluntary basis, so it may take several months. Kamchatka tries to provide a peer review result within a period of no more than six months from the closing date of the call for papers or, in the case of the miscellaneous section, no more than six months from its receipt.
In the case of reviews, these will be evaluated internally by the journal's editorial team and the authors will be notified of the decision taken following the same procedure as for research articles.