About the Journal

Focus and Scope

General information

The journal Quaderns de Filologia: Estudis Lingüístics is an open access scientific publication in OJS, published on an annual basis

The journal publishes original research in the field of linguistics.

As stated in its publication guidelines, each issue of this journal is a monograph, edited by at least a researcher from the Universitat de València and another one from a different academic institution.

The journal is targeted at scholars and researchers in linguistics in multiple languages, which are reflected in its articles.

The journal counts on an Editorial Board and a Scientific Committee. Two thirds of their members are researchers external to the Universitat de València.

The journal also has a panel of external specialists for each issue, some members of the Editorial Board and other specialists alien to both committees.

The review process is peer review, double blind.

As stated in the publication guidelines, 80% of the articles for each issue are contributed by external researchers. More than 90% of contributors are alien to the editorial organization of the journal.

This journal is published annually: the issue is published in December of the current year.

All articles include an abstract and keywords in various languages and the citation reference at the bottom of the first page.

In OJS, metadata for all articles and volumes are offered in three languages: Spanish, Catalan and English.

Quaderns de Filologia has no commercial aims: we do not charge authors or editors for publication.

Peer Review Process

Peer-review process

The review process for each issue of the journal is directly managed by Quaderns de Filologia editorial team.

All contributions must be original research of attested scientific quality. These must therefore be subjected to a peer-review, double-blind review process by external reviewers proposed by the editors of the volume, in accordance with their area of expertise.

The reviewers will submit a report provided by the editorial team.

All submissions must be adapted to the publication guidelines of Quaderns de Filologia. <QF Publication Guideliness>

Once the review process terminates, the editorial team will send the reviews to the editors, who will inform the authors (by email or post) about the final reasoned decision, and will send them the reviews of the experts to make appropriate changes, if necessary.

As stated in the publication norms, if the two experts negatively review an article, this will be automatically rejected.

If there is discrepancy between the two reviewers, the editorial team, after consulting the editors, will send the original to a third reviewer, who may be a member of the Editorial Board, the Scientific Committee, or any other specialist.

The editors will deliver the final version of the volume to Quaderns de Filologia before September 15 of the year of publication.

Publication Frequency

Each journal issue is published in December of the current year, thus meeting the periodicity requirement.

Articles are published as part of a collective volume, with a volume table of contents. Individual articles are not published as part of a volume "in preparation".

Open Access Policy

This journal provides immediate free access to its contents under the principle that free and public access to research favours and supports a greater exchange of global knowledge.

Periodicity of publication

The journal is published on an annual basis in its two series: Linguistic Studies Series and Literary Studies Series.


Each issue is published during the month of December of the current year.

Editorial Board & Scientific Committee


Emilio Ridruejo Alonso (Universidad de Valladolid)

José María Maestre Maestre (Universidad de Cádiz)

Kathrin Siebold (Philipps Universität Marburg)

Manuel Bruña Cuevas (Universidad de Sevilla)

Floriana di Gesú (Università degli Studi di Palermo)

Maria Rosa Lloret Romañach (Universitat de Barcelona)



Julia Sanmartín Sáez (Dept. Filologia Espanyola)

Mikel Labiano (Dept. Filologia Clàssica)

Pau Bertomeu Pi (Dept. Filologia Anglesa i Alemanya)

Cesáreo Calvo (Dept. Filologia Francesa i Italiana)

María Amparo Montaner (Dept. Teoria dels Llenguatges i CC de la Comunicació)

Maria Josep Cuenca Ordiñana (Dept. Filologia Catalana)

Maria José Rodrigo Mora (Università di Bologna)

Vicente Ramón Palerm (Universidad de Zaragoza)

Raúl Sánchez Prieto (Universidad de Salamanca)

Estefanía Flores Acuña (Universidad Pablo de Olavide)

José del Valle (City University of New York, CUNY)

Jordi Ginebra Serrabou (Universitat Rovira i Virgili)

Ethical Statement

Publication Ethics and Publication Good Practice Statement

The Editorial Team, Editorial Board and Scientific Committee of the journal Quaderns de Filologia wishes to declare their commitment to the academic community in ensuring the ethics and quality of the articles published in this journal. Thus, this journal supports and upholds the COPE Principles of Transparency and Best Practice in Scholarly Publishing. Additionally, Quaderns de Filologia also guarantees the quality and protects the contents of the published materials. The Editorial Team also undertakes a firm commitment to transparency in the disclosure of corrections, clarifications, retractions and apologies whenever required.


In accordance with this policy of best practice, Quaderns de Filologia has published in this website a description of the process for the selection on manuscripts. The criteria for the evaluation to be applied by peer reviewers – as described in our evaluation form – are based on the scientific relevance of the contribution to the advancement of the field of study, originality, clarity and adequacy of the research methodology. Our journal guarantees the confidentiality of the whole process, including the protection of the reviewers’ and authors’ identities, of the contents under assessment, of the reviewers’ reasoned report and of any other communication issued by the Editorial Team. Confidentiality will be also kept in case of clarifications or complaints the authors may want to send to the journal boards or to the article reviewers.


Quaderns de Filologia wishes to state its commitment to the respect and integrity of the articles which have been previously published in our journal. Evidently, plagiarism is a dishonest practice and it is strictly forbidden. Texts which are identified as plagiarism will be immediately removed from the journal (if already published) or their publication will be denied. By accepting the publishing conditions expressed by our journal, authors declare that the manuscript and all materials associated with it are original, and do not infringe copyright regulations. In addition, in case of shared authorship, they also declare that the work has been submitted with the consensus of all authors and that it has not been previously submitted to or published in any other journal or publication.

Quaderns de Filologia Bylaws

Quaderns de Filologia Bylaws (PDF)

Sources of Support

This publication is sponsored by the Faculty of Philology, Translation and Communication

Journal History

Quaderns de Filologia: Estudis Lingüístics is a scientific journal, published annually by the Facultat de Filologia, Traducció i Comunicació of the Universitat de València.




Journal Homepage Image




This journal was born in 1980 as Cuadernos de Filología. A second era started in 1995 under the name Quaderns de Filologia, with the publication of two annual series: Studies in Linguistics (1995- ) and Studies in Literature (1995- ). There is a third series: Communication Studies, biannual, which is currently inactive.


As stated in its Bylaws, the journal management team is made up of a General Editor,  who is the Dean or, if the Dean considers it appropriate, the person to whom he or she delegates this responsibility, and a Secretary, a position of trust of the Director. Quaderns de Filologia: Estudis Lingüístics also has an independent Scientific Committee of renowned scholars and specialists, with no institutional relation with the journal. Besides, each of its series counts on an Editorial Board composed of members of all the departments in the Faculty and an equal number of external members.


Each volum of Quaderns de Filologia, in each of its series, has a monographic character. The editors for each volume are, as stated in the bylaws, an external scholar or researcher and at least a scholar or researcher of the Faculty, both specialists in the topic of the journal and in charge of the selection of the articles. On their own request and under the approval of the Editorial Board of each series, editors prepare the volumes. Since 2004, the volumes meet the quality standards of scientific publications (as established by ANECA), with a percentage of original manuscripts higher than 80% and also with more than an 80% of contributions external to the Editorial Board and to the management team.


Since vol. IX (2004), submissions and double-blind, peer-review, thus ensuring the required quality for scientific publications. The journal is currently published in open access (OJS), with a hard-copy publication of 150 issues for exchange with other national and international universities and libraries. These issues are distributed by the UV Publication Services (PUV), with the possibility of print-on-demand.