Evaluación de la evolución léxica en la redacción en inglés (L2) con fines académicos desde la perspectiva de la semántica de esquemas


  • Nicolás Estévez Fuertes University of Valencia
  • Eusebio Llácer Llorca University of Valencia
  • Amparo Olivares Pardo University of Valencia




Writing for Academic Purposes (WAP), Health Sciences Students, Socio-Cognitive Writing Process, Cognitive Linguistics (CL), Frame Semantics (FS), Lexical Development Evaluation


The main objective of our research is to evaluate the lexical development in health sciences students’ written texts after a teaching/learning writing course. Looking at empirical data analysis gathered from the different compositions by the same participants in both groups, we can affirm/infer that Frame Semantics (FS) within a Cognitive Linguistic (CL) perspective and, especially, the use of the frame HEALTH as a pattern of analysis has proved to be a useful linguistic tool to evaluate the way health science participants in the study improve their specific lexical command in different compositions. Finally, objective data obtained from this research allows us to conclude that the Socio-Cognitive approach to writing applied in the experimental group has enhanced, in these participants, a significant increase of specific lexical resources as compared with the control group, and therefore, constitutes a good means to increase their possibilities of generating information and improve communication within the cultural and academic environment of health sciences.


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Author Biographies

Nicolás Estévez Fuertes, University of Valencia

Area of Language and Linguistics and ESP

Department of English and German Studies

Eusebio Llácer Llorca, University of Valencia

Department of English and German Studies

Amparo Olivares Pardo, University of Valencia

Department of French and Italian Studies


How to Cite

Estévez Fuertes, N., Llácer Llorca, E., & Olivares Pardo, A. (2014). Evaluación de la evolución léxica en la redacción en inglés (L2) con fines académicos desde la perspectiva de la semántica de esquemas. Quaderns De Filologia - Estudis Lingüístics, 14, 97–113. https://doi.org/10.7203/qfilologia.14.3992
  • Abstract
  • PDF (Español)
