Heritage Education and Stereoscopic Photography: Didactic Proposal
Heritage education, Local environment, Spherical photography, Stereoscopic photography, Innovation, Educative technology
The insertion of digital technology for the work of tangible and intangible heritage can become a creative tool that reinforces the role of the teacher as an educator of local heritage (in line with what is suggested in the Plan Nacional de Educación y Patrimonio (PNEyP)). In addition, this type of resources allow the development of tools that improve the interpretation of the patrimonial environments and bring them closer to the students. Our proposal is an original didactic intervention made with sixth grade students of Primary Education is exposed in the environment of Castell de Marinyén (Benifairó de la Valldigna, Valencia) through the use of stereoscopic or spherical photography and the hypothesis of reconstruction. This activity combines research on the immediate environment, the digital technologies and the use of image as a research document, which has made it possible to propose the technological means in patrimonial education by means of updated, simple and accessible resources that allow the realization of concrete investigations and the work of contents of different areas of knowledge. In conclusion, the defects that the patrimonial education has had in its insertion in the educational system, extending its treatment in the classroom, as well as its disposition within the school curriculum.
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