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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • Please upload the article without any author identification and follow the instructions to ensure an anonymous evaluation.

  • The paper sent to Research in Education and Learning Innovation Archives neither was published already nor is being under review elsewhere.

  • The article send here complies with the Focus and Scope of this scientific journal.

  • The article send here complies with the Author Guidelines.

  • The citations in the text and in final Bibliography comply strictly with APA guidelines 7th edition.

  • The authors declare no conflict of interests and agree with the copyright and privacy policies of Research in Education and Learning Innovation Archives.

  • The text complies with our requirement for appropriate use of inclusive language.

  • To enable the identification of gender differences, the authors have indicated in the text whether gender was taken into account when collecting source data.

  • Each author is identified within the journal system with his/her ORCID code and his/her Google Scholar.

Author Guidelines

This journal issues original and unpublished texts. As part of our open access policy, authors that publish in Research in Education and Learning Innovation Archives will not pay Article Processing Charges (APC).

Articles submitted for publication must necessarily observe the following

Guidelines for submission

1. Type of document

  • Authors must submit their manuscripts as an OpenOffice or Microsoft Word document to be used in the refereeing process.
  • Authors will find a Microsoft Word template for submission HERE.

2. Formatting requirements

2.1. Of the manuscript:

  • Main text and final bibliography in 11pt, justified and single-spaced, no tabs nor carriage returns. The title of the article will appear first, 12pt and centred, written in the language of the article. Notes will appear as footnotes. Brief quotations (max. 3 lines) must appear in the text within inverted commas (“…”), in 11pt lower case (never in italics). Longer quotations will appear in a separate paragraph, with left indentation, 10pt and without quotation marks. Quotes within quotes will be marked with single quotation marks (‘…’).
  • Tables, graphs, illustrations and figures must appear inserted in the text in the order in which they appear. These must be legible and editable. Hence, it is preferable that they are sent in the original extension of the application used. They must be numbered consecutively and include a descriptive caption and the source of the content. They will only be used to clarify important points.
  • Bibliographical references must be relevant, updated and international. Authors will only include those references cited in the manuscript. References will follow the APA citation style 7thedition (2010).

2.2. Of the supplementary document (not accessible to referees)

  • On a separate page, authors will include title, abstract and keywords in three languages: English, Spanish and Catalan. This document must also include: name(s) and surname(s) of all authors, affiliation (including city and country), email and ORCID. Acknowledgements, if any, must also be added in this document. Authors must also add a few lines answering the following questions:
    • What is currently known about the object of this research [past]?
    • What does this article contribute as original [present]?
    • What are the implications of this work for practice and future policy [future]?

This file will be uploaded as supplementary document and will not be accessible to referees.

3. Length

  • Title: Maximum 25 words.
  • Abstract: 200-250 words. It must include the main aim(s) of the article, methodology for the analysis, main results and conclusions.
  • Keywords: Maximum 5 keywords separated by a semicolon (;). Keywords will be used for indexing purposes and must be chosen from the controlled list of keywords of the UNESCO Thesaurus 
  • Article: The length for articles is of 4,500 to 6,500 words (references not included).

4. Authorship

  • The list of authors must only include those who have intellectually contributed to the development of the work. The rest will appear in the Acknowledgements.
  • All the identification details of the authors must be provided in the first sending; this includes whole name, professional affiliation (specifying the city and country) and e-mail addresses. The ORCID of all authors also must be included.

5. Style

  • Originals must be impeccably written and punctuated. Research in Education and Learning Innovation Archives (REALIA) highly advises a structure in different sections with headings. If the structure has different levels, these will not go beyond three. That is, a structure of will not be accepted.
  • Spelling and syntactic aspects of the text must be revised before submission. Research in Education and Learning Innovation Archives (REALIA) may refuse to accept a text of these details are not observed.

6. Metadata

  • Metadata of the article must be included in the section “Enter metadata” of Research in Education and Learning Innovation Archives (REALIA) online submission and review website. Before sending the manuscript for reviewing, the editors will verify that metadata have been entered in the three languages.

7. Anonymity

  • To ensure a blind review of the manuscript, all explicit references to the authors or allusions to their identities will be removed. In the text quotations and bibliography, all references will be substituted by AUTHOR(S) (date). If Research in Education and Learning Innovation Archives (REALIA) eventually accepts the manuscript for publication, author(s) will upload a non-anonymised version of the approved text to “Active Submissions” and notify the editor via email:

8. Additional material(s)

  • If authors need to complete their submission with additional documents and/or annexed audiovisual materials, statistics, large tables, artwork, etc., which can’t be included in the article for size or format reasons, these will be inserted as separate files. If the article is accepted for publication, authors will have to publish these materials using Figshare ( The manuscript will incorporate the links for their location. This platform also provides a free additional DOI.
  • Links included in the article must be shortened using any available tool for that purpose (, Google shortener, etc.), except for the DOI, which must be obligatorily displayed in the requested format.

9. Other relevant aspects

  • The author(s)’ signature must comply with the international bylaws for authors and websites indexing. For further information, please visit or the International Registry for Authors:
  • In the case of research sponsored by public funding, authors must indicate the name of the research project and the supporting institutions in the additional document.

Privacy Statement

All personal data and emails introduced in Research in Education and Learning Innovation Archives  will be exclusively used for purposes stated by this journal and will not be available for other people or purposes.

Data gathered from (non-)registered users are within the scope of the standard functioning of peer-reviewed journals. These data include information that enables communication for the editorial process; they are used to inform readers about authors and content editors; they allow us to gather aggregate data and to trace geopolitical and social elements of scholarly communication.

The Editorial Team of Research in Education and Learning Innovation Archives uses these data to inform the publishing work of the journal and improve its quality. Data aimed at developing this platform may be shared in an aggregated and anonymised form with the developer Public Knowledge Project, with the appropriate exceptions, such as article metrics. This journal or PKP will not sell or use the data for purposes other than the ones stated here. Authors are solely responsible for the human subject data that feature in the research reported here.

Those involved in editing this journal seek to be compliant with industry standards for data privacy, including the European Union’s Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) provision for “data subject rights” that include (a) breach notification; (b) right of access; (c) the right to be forgotten; (d) data portability; and (e) privacy by design. The GDPR also allows for the recognition of “the public interest in the availability of the data,” which has a particular relevance for those involved in maintaining, with the greatest integrity possible, the public record of scholarly publishing.